Monday, January 23, 2006

kalifornia... dude...

In search of the American Dream - how true!!! It hit me head on... right where I feel awestruck. My first impression of US was... WOW. As the plane descended over LA... you can see lights so far across the horizon... and it just doesn't end there. Its a beautiful and humbling sight. Bordering the ocean and stretching far inland, civilization at its peak.

Even at LA airport terminal you can see hundreds of planes... all shapes and sizes... constant activity and movement... 24 hours... non stop!! Buses and baggage carriers weaving across the tarmac... like ants. I have been to Germany, France and Australia but this trip to US just blew my mind. One thing is for sure... its way… way... ahead in terms of wealth and prosperity. Also people are so polite and friendly to me... road users are extremely civilised too. Its all about the education and maturity of the educated Americans, I believe. Some may dispute but this is the hallmark of the richest nation on the planet. Another aspect of a truly developed country is their infrastructure... it shows how advance their engineering and technical skills are... way beyond what I imagined. This trip has been full of surprises... many of them pleasant and inspiring.

My destination was Redlands, California... about 2 hour drive from LA. Its a small town... smaller than Rawang.. but don't be fooled. This is a developed country we are talking about.. so expect the unexpected. For a small town like Redlands... its so well planned. They take so much aesthetic consideration in planning this town... pleasing to the eye. First impressions lasts... and how true it is in this case. Residential and Commercial development blend so well with the landscape and the terrain of the land. Placement of infrastructures and businesses are well within walking distances... though many prefer to drive here. Cars are dirt cheap in US... that helps. Pedestrians are given priority along the streets and pavements... wide open spaces and well maintained roads makes walking or driving a pleasant experience. Though the architectural design of the many buildings cannot match the Europeans... it serves a good purpose... form follows function... cost effective too... fulfilling many of the requirements. Unlike Malaysia.. nothing sticks out like a sore thumb... no eyesores. Parks and civic places are well within reach from anywhere... planners have made smart and interesting designs ... surprising you as you walk pass... cannot help but spend some time in the peaceful environment. What else do we need… tell me… far cry from the mess we have in Malaysia.

This brings to another milestone of a developed country... quiet and clean environment. No hon.. No noise pollution... No jumping queue... No kiasu... No aggresive drivers (who are actually chicken shit cowards)... Americans are quiet at restaurants and public places. No loud banter or excited people rushing for everything. Dun get me wrong... ppl do talk and communicate... but its more civilised and pleasant... always aware of their social responsibility and politeness to others. This is evident in France too.. the peaceful stress free environment. You can take off your shoes and walk on the roads... or pavements... its that clean. Redlands maintains its charm… not as well as the Europeans… but with a modern twist.

Lake Arrowhead... beautiful homes and great sceneries

Snow... snow... well, not really... some of it is man made
Big Bear... nice short hike... snow up here is real. Well preserved National Forest...


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