Wednesday, October 04, 2006

certs and exams... recognition - Pt 2

OK so... where were we?? Oh yes... GIS certs.

Besides the ESRI Virtual Campus where you can learn the software... and get kinda certified... there are Instructor led courses in ESRI that serve the interest of various industries and cover the latest versions of ESRI software. Now... these courses are done by CERTIFIED ESRI Sofware Instructors... that means we need to sit for exams and pass before we get to train others. All ESRI technical staff in Malaysia sit for these exams periodically and need to pass... its part of the management decision.

I still remember getting scared when they mentioned exams... I HATE EXAMS. I was thinking... NOT AGAIN!!! Enough with STPM... that was the toughest exam any human can take on this planet... trust me. Those who went thru STPM cannot be considered humans... we are aliens. Anyway, as the exam date came closer we were told that its an open book exam and that gave me some relief. When I saw the actual exam questions... it then hit me... tricky objective questions and no straightforward answers... the passing rate is 85%. Sat for the exams... toiling thru each question and testing out the software same time.... that takes a lot of time. You need to work on each of the objective answers in that exam. Haiihhh... I HATE EXAMS.

Its been 5 years now in ESRI Malaysia and I have sat and passed the ArcGIS Desktop ArcInfo 1&2 for 8.x and 9.x ... also ArcSDE 8.x and ArcSDE Config and Tuning 9.x. So far I think this is a good certification to sit for and it really helped me understand better the ArcGIS technology. We are always learning new things...



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