Friday, March 28, 2008

why all this nonsense

Dutch MP posts Islam film on web - A Dutch right-wing politician posts a controversial film critical of the Koran on the internet:

I am a Catholic of Indian ethnicity living in Malaysia (a Muslim country). I believe religion should be used to UNITE all class, colour or creed. We choose our own religion as a way of life and the best path for spiritual enlightenment. Some of my friends are Muslims and being matured about our life choices is true freedom. There is no such thing as total freedom of speech, talk is VERY cheap. Some people love to shout and that’s not the freedom we need. There should be only more tolerance, love and friendship.

Hypocrites are everywhere… among Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims too… all ages and levels of society. These religious fanatics preach and force religion on others just to feel good about controlling people. Control makes them powerful… and power is addictive. Violence is the normal means to power. What is right and wrong is not from human interpretation but should be from God’s definition of truth and justice.

When both sides (Christians and Muslims) are pointing fingers at each other, there will never be peace. The blame game will never cease. Only with compromise, forgiveness and love we can all make this planet a better place to live.

Come on lah… take it easy... stop this nonsense... stop fighting please.


At Tue Apr 01, 07:46:00 am GMT+8 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

and what is god's definition of truth and justice?


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