Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I need to swim... a few hundred laps... please

Last 2 nights I finished watching "Aliens of the Deep", a movie by "Titanic" director James Cameron. What really fascinated me to get this movie in the first place... is the idea that a big budget Hollywood director wants to make a docu-film about the deep sea.

How dissapointed I am now..

All the hype and excitement about the movie makes you feel that finally Hollywood can spend some good money in a real nature film production. At least millions more than the normal nature channels. Its meant for IMAX 3-D but please don't waste your money.

You ask... why the movie is such a disaster??
1. James Cameron suddenly becomes a super expert in deep sea equipments and submarines
2. James Cameron is a super genius with ships and marine engineering, offering ingenious solutions
3. James Cameron is smarter than the Nasa scientists and knows more than them
4. Lots of fake acting, bad music, fake laughing... and most of all ... BAD JOKES
5. Russian scientists are there ONLY to make the numbers, act dumb and play volleyball on board ship
6. American scientists are so smart... they know everything!! Super confident. Yeah right...
7. Deep Sea "bizarre" creatures are actually only crabs, bacteria and shrimps
8. Outer space explanation is for the lame brained only... NASA's best explanation of course

Any National Geographic or Discovery 1-hour production can beat this film flat. Hollywood again does its marketing "magic". Stupid.

"Each time I reason, each time I try to use logic, I'm extremely pessimistic. When I use my heart, when I use my faith - and I have a stainless faith in mankind - then I become optimistic. A situation will arise that will awaken people, and we will suddenly understand that we have to join forces."
Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Known for his memorable films and written accounts of the underwater world, French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau devoted much of his life to exploring and defending ocean life. Cousteau developed the first underwater diving station and was also a co-inventor of the aqualung, a self-contained breathing apparatus. He is pictured here aboard his ship Calypso.


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