Tuesday, June 13, 2006

wats the fuss... Dr Mahathir??

Hhhmmm ... how can we ignore the recent spat between Dr M and Pak Lah?? Its direct... its harsh... and its hitting hard. We are in the midst of an interesting ideology clash and difference in governance. Here are my 2 cents...

Firstly, I feel the whole issue boils down to... a prevailing lack of initiative, creativity and change in many government departments... and that includes schools and local authorities. Even if there are any good changes, its taking too long to implement and deliver. This thorn has been around since Dr M's time and its not a new issue we are facing here. However, I feel the accumulation of these problems and issues in the government is getting worse over time. The challenge for the current administration and the state governments is to unify and make changes quick. New and better ideas must be implemented. If this means changes in management style and methods... then... do it now. We really need this cognitive difference in management and administration of the huge government engine... which also includes the various state governments, universities and ministries. New and improved professionalism must be implemented from top to bottom, even if that means removal of pengarahs and unmotivated / unprofessional governement staff in management level. In that sense... a revision of the way the government employs, trains and delivers is the only way forward for Pak Lah.

Secondly, information technology, internet and software should be used and implemented more widely in ALL levels. Technology is moving fast and we are in many ways slow to implement them in Malaysia. The government purchases millions of ringgit worth of hardware, servers and software every year but without proper planning on its use, management of quality IT staff and a professional delivery mechanism... there will always be white elephants and abandoned projects. Quality digital data and good software research results is seriously lacking in many government sectors... this is now MORE critical as we face globalisation and competition in a wider perspective. The scope of work for many government employees today has changed so rapidly that we are faced with a lot of redundant work and bored workers. How we employ, train, remunerate and manage employees must change. We need good and IT savvy people.

This is the only way forward for our beloved country to prosper, unite and face the many economic and social changes ahead. We cannot be doing business or managing the government like 10 or 15 years ago. Dr M has to change... and in that note Pak Lah also has to change. Every 5 years we need to change and re-invent this country. On this note... change is the only thing certain in this world. Malaysia 'mungkin' Boleh.


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