Monday, July 04, 2011

statistics and numbers ...

I have a few good ideas for anyone interested in GIS Masters thesis / technical books ... hope some of you might take it up with good funding. If you're in the habit of pleasing lecturers and pengarahs with their warped sense of research techniques, plagarising internet materials and copying other peoples papers ... please don't continue reading this. You need to be unbiased, independent, hard working, creative and professional ... I know its hard to find graduates or analysts like this in Malaysian universities or gov agencies these days ... but its worth a try.

Research 1 - Analysis, Economic Impact and Planning of Public Transportion for Klang Valley using GIS (special focus on MRT).

Research 2 - Future of Healthcare policies and Emergency Response management with GIS statistics for Urban Planning in Malaysian major cities.

Research 3 - Understanding Employment, Economics and actual Race economics in Peninsular Malaysia using GeoSpatial empirical analysis.

Research 4 - Analysing climate change and pollution with emphasis on forest and plantation management in Malaysia using GIS statistical methods

Research 5 - Utility planning and regulatory improvements for water and waste management in Selangor with GIS data models

I would recommend anyone pursuing these studies to obtain RM$5-10 million grant from the gov ... it will prob take 4-5 years to complete each of this with proper international peer review, technical software, data collection, documented analysis methods, qualified research assistants and most of all unlimited access to all government agencies.