Wednesday, July 06, 2005

realm of the practical...

I stumbled upon PHP and MYSQL as a favor for a friend... building web portals powered with database... its interesting how fast we can gain considerable practical experience working with both. I am also amazed how well we can build and test server-side coding with web applications using PHP and MYSQL. Programming with PHP is so cool...

CGI and Server-Side scripts have been around for a while now... ASP, JSP, Servlets, Perl. Never really experienced in-depth hands-on with any of them before ... since most times I am still interested in application programming and GIS development. Web programming is a domain where I am still a novice...

Cool sites to visit:,,,,

In this case I am working with PHP 4, MySQL 4.1, IIS Web Server, JavaScript, CSS and Macromedia Flash.

A Rajasthani Rustic - Water Colour

Generally, Indian art has a long and enthralling past... of course that dates back thousands of years. They 'were' the pioneers in sculpture, paintings, architecture and ornaments. However, since those glory days ... nothing much has changed... lots of copycats... nothing new or dynamic that can even replace or renew the majestic splendor of Indian art. Many artists are still trapped with tradition and narrow perspectives. This painting captured my attention because its something 'new and refreshing'... a daring attempt by the artist to infuse new ideas and creativity to Indian art... bravo.


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