nature gateway...
Labels: GIS Malaysia Tony Joseph ESRI
humble greetings to all. this simple blog is my way to express creative thoughts and ideas.. either about work, tech stuff, art, music, politics, hobbies... or watever else comes to my mind. its also full of malaysia gis or esri tech happenings. feel free to drop a line. It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity - Albert Einstein
Labels: GIS Malaysia Tony Joseph ESRI
Its exhaustive, lotsa work, lotsa skill, tiring... but the thrill of fishing is like no other.
Labels: GIS Malaysia Tony Joseph ESRI
I have never been good in fishing, trust me... but the deep sea fishing trips thought me a lesson or two in patience, hard work and more patience. Since a kid, I used to fish at the ponds behind my house... not so successful. Also in Penang, I tried to follow the guys to the jetty by the harbour... still not much luck. I mean... I catch some... but nothing to shout about. Most times, I just fish for the sake of relaxing by the lake, pond or sea.
Labels: GIS Malaysia Tony Joseph ESRI
Labels: GIS Malaysia Tony Joseph ESRI