Tuesday, July 12, 2005

VB with friends...

Just adding to my last blog... as u already know, the latest version of VB is VB.NET... this is actually fundamentally different from VB6 because of the dotNET Framework implementation in VB.NET. I am more familiar with VB6 and VB5... its like the coolest language to learn during my varsity days working on GIS projects.

Thus, just as applications are becoming increasingly programmable, programming languages are becoming generally more accessible. Soon we will have tools that make the creation of Windows applications easy and enjoyable - Bill Gates, Chairman and CEO (Microsoft), "Gates on BASIC’s Future", BASICPro Magazine, February/March 1991

So the 'real' issue should be how easy and enjoyable programming should be for all of us. For me the excitement and interests I had in Visual Basic drove me to learn and master the language fast... this was way before I learned Java. So many steps and methods were made simple, user friendly and consistent in VB. For programming windows application I preferred VB more than anything else... especially more than C++ because that language really scared the hell of me. Probably its a prejudice againts a much more powerful language... the learning curve is longer. The beauty of C++ is that its will be always supported and there is no plan to change the language... its not the same story with VB and VB.NET!!!

The Angel Stopping Abraham from Sacrificing Isaac to God. 1635.
Oil on canvas. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Rembrandt van Rijn

Portrait of a Man in an Oriental Costume. 1635.
Oil on panel. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Rembrandt van Rijn


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